MaDLy MaDe - X

MaDLy MaDe - X

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

My iMPorTant NoTe


Friday, June 19, 2009

My 3rd RaGnaRoK DataBaSe

>>>> DoddleRO <<<<
Main Web

>>> DataBaSe <<<
Main Database

Thursday, June 18, 2009

RagNaRoK DareDeViL SerVeR

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

WoE Guide

Sangat Penting Buat WoE

>>>>> War of Emperium GuiDe <<<<

Friday, May 01, 2009

Ragnarok USER AI (Homunculus Asist)

by: iBeL


Ragnarok Homunculus System Introduction

Homunculus are creatures that are exclusive for the Alchemist class. The homunculus aids and boost the alchemist during battles. You can even levelup your alchemist character through your Homunculus alone but make sure not to forget to feed them. In order to get a Homunculus, alchemists must complete the Bioethics quest to acquire the Bioethics skills. Upon completion of the Bioethics quest, you need to have an embryo to summon a Homunculus. The homunculus respawn is in random, so if you are opting for a certain homunculus, you need a number of embryo in order to get what you want.

Ragnarok Homunculus Embryo

You could purchase the ingredients for the embryo inside the alchemist guild (alde_alche 35, 179). Be sure you have the Prepare Potion skill so you could brew the embryo. The success rate also depends on the alchemists dex and luck

* Dew of Yggdrasil
* Seed of Life
* Glass Tube
* Medicine Bowl
* Potion Creation Guide

The Four Types of Ragnarok Homunculus

There are four types of homunculus, each are unique and has their own strengths and weaknesses.


Skills: Caprice, Instruction Change, Chaotic Blessings
Evolution Skill: Bio Explosion
Homunculus Type: Magical- Offensive, Formless, Neutral

The vanilmirth focuses more on Int stat, therefore all of its attack skill is magical. This Vanilmirth is a good aid during pvp and can kill a player with a single firebolt. The downside however is because it is using magic, it consumes a lot of sp. So Vanilmirth alchemist owners must pitch blue potion to it every once in a while.


Skills: Moonlight, Fleeting Move, Accelerated Flight
Evolution Skill: SBR44
Homunculus Type: Physical- Offensive, Dodge/High ASPD, Brute, Neutral

The filir has the attribute of the agi stat - high attack speed and high dodge rate. Filir can even help the Biochemist during War of Emperium by breaking the emperium. The disadvantage of the Filir homunculus is its low hp.


Skills: Healing Hands, Urgent Escape, Brain Surgery
Evolution Skill: Mental Charge
Homunculus Type: Restoration- Supportive, Demi-Human, Neutral

Most of the biochemist opt for the Lif because aside from its nice looking sprite, its supportive skills works wonders. The mostly used skill is the Urgent Escape that works like the Speed Potion, only free and longer.


Skills: Castling, Amistr Bulwark, Adamantium Skin
Evolution Skill: Bloodlust
Homunculus Type: Physical- Defensive, Tank, Brute, Neutral

The Amistr has a huge hp that can serve as tanks for leveling biochemist. But this homunculus is pretty much not useful in war of emperium because his skill Castling is deactivated.

Ragnarok Homunculus Evolution

Homunculus are like Pokemon , they can evolve to the next level granted that you have reached the loyal intimacy level. You need a stone of sage in order for your homunculus to evolve. Just double click the stone of sage and your homunculus are set to go. When the homunculus evolve, it will obtain bonus status points, increased HP and SP, and a new sprite.

Feed your Homunculus

Unlike the falcons of the hunter class, you need to feed your homunculus or else they’ll die or their intimacy level would be effected. Do not overfeed (hunger > 75) nor underfeed (hunger < 11) your homunculus. Between 25-50 is the safest hunger level to feed your homunculus. The following are the list of homunculus feeds.
Vanilmirt - Scell
Filir - Garlet
Lif - Pet Food
Amistr - Zargon

Ragnarok Homunculus Sytem Command
Alt + Single Right Click: Target monster
Alt + Double Right Click: Attack monster
Alt + T: Standby, idle/passive mode, cancels all commands and returns to master
Alt + Right Click Ground: Move to location (15 tile range)
Alt + R: Information window

Ragnarok Homunculus Intimacy
The player dying, the Homunculus dying, or the Homunculus vaporizing does not affect intimacy.
Using ultimate skills lowers Homunculus intimacy.
Not feeding it (hunger < 11) or overfeeding homunculus (hunger > 75) lowers intimacy as well

Ragnarok Homunculus Death

If the homunculus die, you can use the skill Call Homunculus or Homunculus Resurrection to bring it back to life.

Ragnarok Homunculus Leveling

The homunculus levels up in terms of job experience of monsters. So you better choose a leveling spot with monsters that have high base experience. If the homunculus kills the monster alone, the homunculus gets full job exp and the full base experience goes with the player. Perfect isn’t it? You can now to the “afk” leveling which is very famous on Free to Play servers.


info wat yang suka pake bio-alchemist.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

My 2nd Ragnarok Database

Lo bingung nyari info item, quest, map ato momon??vVv niyh buka desenee vVv

Monday, March 30, 2009

Ragnarok Info

Lo bingung nyari info item, quest, map ato momon??
vVv   niyh buka desenee  vVv

Ragnarok Skill Tree

kLo Lo bingung Naekin skiLL kmu niyh buka desenee

>>>>> Ragnarok skiLL Tree <<<<

Thursday, March 26, 2009

ZeRO - INFO part - 1


NPC Lepas Kartu & Hat Quest
Ramen Hat Quest, NPC item rahasia, NPC Kafra Card, Trick Beli Barang (Via Agen Warp)
NPC rahasia (izlude) (sama kyk atas cm Izlude doank n info klo beli itemnya)
Hunting Guide & Faming (nyari duid)
Cara menjadi Hyper Novice
NPC Agi, Asum, Asper, Bless (ngumpet di antara gerobak NPC nya, deket tembok)
Killing Strike Ninja biar maknyos, About stat n equip for Paladin
Perbandingan Thara Frog Card dengan Penomena Card
cara untuk ngurangin delay / wkt tiap cast skill menjadi pendek (tested)
Play Zeus RO with sepidy (ngabisin berapa quota klo maen pake sepidy)
stat Champ for MVP
perhitungan kartu di weapon
senjata2 buat sniper
tempat bikin acid
stat LK n equip

ZERO - ReMoVE CaRD / Copot Kartu

woi ikutan dong, nick nya apaan aja nih yg dari kaskus? nick gua Pak Raden

itu npc copot card ada di ayothaya 2, kl mo masuk quest dolo, tar kl dah di ayothaya 2 kalian cari deh tuh anak nenek di tengah rada ke jam 2 dikit, belakang candi. biar bisa ketemu ama yg lepas card, harus bawa 10 large jellopy sebagai biaya masuk (ngomong ama si anak nenek). jgn lupa bawa zeny yg cukup (minimal 5jt lah biar aman), starcrumb ama yellow gemstone (ato siapin di kafra aja, trus ambil pake kafra card).

npc hat ada di tempat tempa prontera, trus masuk portal atas. ada mr quester disitu.

npc BB si setau gua emang diilangin untuk desember ini sebagai event drop card mvp 1%, nanti januari mgkn ada lagi. tapi bisa juga kl info yg gua dapet salah xD

ZERO - NPC Hidden Part - 1

ramen hat ada npc nya gan di louyang. dari kafra louyang u ke bawah, trus setelah lewat jalan kecil di antara tembok --> ===||=== gitu kira2 bentuknya, u jalan ke kanan sedikit, npcnya ada di samping rumah pojokan tembok kanan atas.

sekalian gua berbagi info npc rahasia yg penting2 aja:

di yuno, sebelah kanan di tengah2 jalan deket patung, jualannya gua lupa.

di alberta, persis di bawah mercusuar samping laut, jualan diablos robe. npc cewe

di izlude, arah jam 11 pojok map, ada yg jualan satellite hairclip, diablos ring, dsb.

di payon, ini rada susah jelasin letaknya. deket bangunan yg letaknya di jam 12 u ke kanan, dia ada di tebing. jualannya kalo gak salah anonymity request (yg di mata)

di al de baran, npc arah jam 1 pojok belakang rumah, dia jualan high heels ama diablos boots.

gua tambahin 1 lagi, yg paling penting yaitu npc untuk beli kafra card, ada di morroc. kl dari kafranya, u ke kanan ikutin jalan setapak yg ada, sebelum sampe di persimpangan ada rumah di bawah jalan setapak tsb, npcnya di bawah rumah itu. di luar kok, gak masuk rumah. mayan kan gan bisa buka kafra dimanapun ^^.

satu lagi gua ngasih info walaupun OOT, bagi yg sering berkepentingan di tempat beli barang, masukin aja merchant kesana. caranya reset dl skillnya jgn ambil diskon, di dalem baru naikin skill diskon.
biar simpel, bikin aja char baru, kasih kafra card, trus stock in tuh kafra card di kafra juga, biar bisa beli barang di itemmal trus masukin ke kafra tanpa perlu bolak balik keluar masuk itemmal. soal trans duit ya tinggal minta tolong temen pake char lain untuk masuk ke itemmal nganterin duitnya ^^.

semoga berguna


kebetulan gua juga tau yg npc untuk ubah SN jadi HN

pertama2, bagi yg belum tahu, untuk jadi HN (Hyper Novice) itu harus SN (Super Novice) lv 250
Untuk jadi SN, harus Novice lv 50. Semoga gak bingung

Setelah SN km lv 250:
NPC pertama letaknya di kiehl dungeon 2. NPC nya wanita di dalem ruangan kotak ( kek ruang kelas gitu ) di tengah map tsb, rada kiri dikit kotaknya. rada mojok si npc nya jd mungkin susah diliat.
Kamu akan dirubah jadi High Novice lv 1.

Next, NPC kedua letaknya di Airship Izlude lantai plg bawah. Cara ke airship, kamu ke kota izlude, trus ke arah jam 6 ikutin jalan setapak n masuk portal, lalu bicara sama npc yang ada di deket kapal. setelah di airship, masuk portal di sebelah kanan, turun tangga sampe plg bawah (kira2 turun 2x), npcnya ada di sebelah kanan. Kamu akan disuruh untuk mengubah job menjadi High Merchant Lv 10 Job 1.
Artinya kamu harus naikin lv itu High Novice jadi lv 10 job 10 untuk berubah ke high merchant yg dimaksud. Ingat, tdk ada toleransi untuk kelebihan lv.

Next NPC ketiga, ada di magma dungeon 2, kamu butuh teman disini untuk nganter. jgn sampe mukul musuh, karena ntar bisa naik lv
Letak npcnya ada di tengah2 persis, bentuknya domba. Begitu keliatan langsung klik aja dan kamu sudah berubah jadi Hyper Novice.

Semoga membantu

MuSic TraCK

..::: Para PaRTNeR ::..

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